Botox® and Dysport


Botox® and Dysport

Kick your wrinkles, smile lines, and crow’s feet to the curb when you begin Fort Collins Botox® and Dysport treatments at Facetté medical spa. This quick, minimally invasive service is both safe and effective, proven to temporarily smooth the skin and create a more youthful glow that can last up to six months.

Using FDA-approved neurotoxins like Botox® and Dysport, our professionally trained aestheticians can block unwanted muscle contractions and combat wrinkles, excessive underarm sweating, and jaw tension. Because there are so many reasons to choose Fort Collins Botox® and Dysport, we just know you’ll love your results.



  • Experience unbeatable results – from uplifting a drooping brow line to smoothing out laugh lines and crow’s feet
  • Improves appearance & makes skin look smooth
  • Alleviates soreness and discomfort in facial muscles
  • Relieves TMJ/TMD and jaw tension
  • Eliminates headaches that have resulted from teeth grinding and stress
  • Requires zero recovery time; notice results in as little as 10-14 days


  • Each Fort Collins Botox® and Dysport treatment will last anywhere from 3-4 months; subsequent treatments typically every 4 months
  • No downtime; 20-30 minutes of redness to treated area following injections; minimal bruising possible
  • Appointment times typically take 15 – 30 minutes



Yes, a consultation is required for all new clients. This way, we can explain our process and discuss your desired results.

Essentially, these two neurotoxins behave very similarly with only slight differences. Depending on the treatment area, one might be recommended over another. Some might experience results quicker with Dysport, but Botox® has been known to produce longer-lasting effects.

Results may vary but can last anywhere from 3-4 months. Because Botox® and Dysport offer temporary solutions, you will need to come back approximately every three to five months to maintain results.

We can definitely discuss the process, expectations, desired results, and more at your consultation. For now, feel free to take a look at this  great blog post that outlines the six things to know before your first Botox® appointment

This treatment is great anywhere! Most often, we concentrate on the face, underarms, hands, and feet, but we can shift our focus wherever you’d like.

The cost for Botox® treatments will vary depending on the targeted area and desired results. We recommend scheduling a complimentary consultation.

Because Botox® and Dysport are temporary solutions, your results will not be permanent. You’ll likely see the results start to fade after several months. We do recommend subsequent treatments every three to five months to maintain results.

The length of an appointment is entirely dependent on the area being treated, but most commonly, an appointment will last 15-30 minutes. If you’re curious about time commitments, please feel free to give us a call at our Fort Collins medical spa!

This quick and minimally invasive treatment is virtually painless, but it can create a mild discomfort for some. If necessary, the treatment can be done with a numbing cream, but we do recommend cream application at least 20 minutes prior to the appointment. 

This treatment is great because you won’t have to worry about any downtime! After your appointment, the only effects you may experience will be 20-30 minutes of redness around the treated area possible (and minimal) bruising.